Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Hair Loss Treatment Experience

I heard of how traumatic hair loss is for people before, but I didn't even think that it would happen to me. After all, I had thick hair when I was a child and in my teens. But then stress from work due to my demanding supervisor took a toll on me and I had extreme hair loss. I noticed a bald patch and was so alarmed that I went to my dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Corcoran. She looked at it and she said that it was 'Alopecia Areata.'

My dermatologist said that it is stress-induced and also can have genetic component. I asked my parents and my mom told me that after she got pregnant with my youngest sister, she had extreme hair loss also and had a bald patch like mine so I guess it's genetic and stress-induced for me. I had weekly steroid injections with my dermatologist and she gave me several medicines to take home - Kairfoll shampoo, Kairfoll serum and Hair Grower solution.

This is my bald patch after 1 month of treatment:

After 5 months, this is a photo of my scalp:

Thanks to my dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Corcoran, for treating my 'Alopecia Areata.' Now I can have my hair down again and not be embarrassed about showing a bald patch when the wind blows it in the wrong direction. LOL! ;)

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